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Nature’s perfect gift.

Real Raw Milk Utah

We keep it raw.

Redmond Heritage Farms’ milk is simple – we leave it the way nature makes it. This real milk contains the complete natural balance of protein, carbohydrates, fats and enzymes that support healthy life – milk doesn’t get any better than this. We take nothing away from this perfect food. If it’s skim milk you are looking for, you’ll find it just below our milk’s cream line.

We keep it real.

Our milk comes from healthy pastured cows who eat real food. Our cows have constant access to pasture and enjoy fresh green-grass and sprouted barley, dry hay, Redmond Real Salt and Redmond Clay.

Our Raw Milk is not pasteurized and or homogenized. It is a full-fat product that contains no additives. Our milk is fresh from the farm and unadulterated.

We keep it clean.

We are among the only (if not the only) dairy that tests our milks nutrition quarterly and make decisions on feeds based on the finding of our tests. Learn more about our milk testing here.

Our Farm

Where the journey begins. Feed, clean, milk, test, bottle, clean, and repeat.

Our Store

From happy cows to cooler shelves, we keep it cold, fresh and clean.

Your Home

Fresh milk, unmatched
nutrition, and amazing flavor.


Why Raw Milk?

While pasteurized milk is a very important part of a healthy diet our raw milk has 3 main advantages:

  1. Unpasteurized – During the pasteurization process important key enzymes are killed that support a healthy gut and immune system.
  2. Unhomogenized- For some reason our society have decided that cream should not separate in our milk jug. We have accomplished this through the homogenization process which forces milk through a small filter breaking down the large fat molecules attaching them to the small proteins. The downside to this process is that our bodies have a harder time knowing what to do with small fat molecules attached to proteins since this is not natural. Because of this our bodies tend to store it instead of burn it. This is in part the reason for the misunderstanding that milk causes you to gain weight.
  3. Grass based – Because our animals diets are mostly forage based, our milk is naturally higher in CLA’s and Omega 3’s. We are among the only if not the only dairy that tests our milks nutrition quarterly and make decisions on feeds based on the finding of our tests. In our testing the CLA’s and Omega 3’s are as typically 2x-3x higher than that of commercial milk. Our Omega 3:6 ratio is typically between 1-2.

Milk FAQs

Why isn't the milk bottled in glass?

While it would be ideal to have the milk bottled in glass containers it is unfortunately not a possibility at this time. Changing the container would drastically increase the price per gallon. The plastic used is food grade and safe. Also, because the milk is so fresh, the amount of time it is in the plastic bottle is very minimal compared to conventional milk.

Do you sell raw cream or butter?

Not at this time, but we are working on making that available sometime in the future.

What do you feed the cows?

The cows get constant access to pasture, and, the season dictates how much grass is there for them to graze. In the summer, pasture makes up a large portion of the cows’ diet. As the heard grows, we continue expanding our pastures in an effort to graze properly and allow the cows a substantial amount of fresh, green grass. We also feed dry hay (grass, alfalfa, oat hay), fermented sorghum sudan grass, rolled barley and fresh, green, sprouted barley. Our cows get a daily amount of Redmond Sea Salt, Redmond Clay and diatomaceous earth to help with mineral support, detoxification, parasite and fly control.

Do you use GMO feeds?

Our ration consists of all the grazing the cows can have and is supplemented when needed with locally produced hay, Fodder (sprouted barley), Sudane grass silage (fermented non-grain grass), a small amount of rolled barley (primarily during the winter), and Redmond salt and conditioner. These feeds are not certified non-GMO, but all of our feed would be free from GMO’s. The only feed in question would be our rolled barley. The likelihood that is is GMO is very small due to the fact that GMO’s are not common in barley. For this reason we have chosen Barley over other grains that are more common with GMO’s.

Is your milk safe to drink?

As with any other raw foods there are potential risks with consuming raw dairy products. Here is what we are doing to help mitigate the potential risks: Every batch of milk we produce is tested to ensure it meets or exceeds the standard for pasteurized milk. This means: It is required to be under 20,000 colony forming bacteria units under a test called SPC (Standard Plate Count). Most of the time our milk is under 1,000. It is required to be under 10 coliform colonies. This is an incredibly strict standard. We generally are between 0-3. It is not required by the state but to mitigate potential risks we test every batch for: Salmonella E.coli (0157) Listeria Campylobacter In addition to regular inspections the state health department Every month tests the health of our herd through a test called SCC (Somatic Cell Count). In line with all dairy’s in the state every batch of milk is tested for antibiotics. In addition to testing our milking team goes through an extensive cleaning process of our cows udders before milkers are put on and our system and tank goes through an extensive and consistent cleaning process to reduce the possibility of bacteria entering our system.