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Our mission is born out of the desire to provide real natural farm products for those who are seeking optimal health. This journey has guided us to become a proud supplier of raw milk in the state of Utah. We are one of the few if not the only dairy that tests our milk’s nutrition quarterly and tracks it over time. This allows us to make decisions that produce the highest quality milk while balancing sustainability and animal health. Our passion is clean nutrient rich milk from healthy and happy cows.

Our cows are pasture-fed, meaning they graze freely on green pastures, eating and resting as much as they please. When pastures are not available during the winter months our cows enjoy a roughage based diet with fresh green fodder. We never use hormones or chemical feed additives. We use antibiotics only to save life and if on a rare occasion this occurs the cow’s milk is not used for consumption and the cow is sold once healthy.

We don’t pasteurize or homogenize (find out why). We use modern technology with traditional methods to create a healthy supply of delicious, raw milk. And if great production methods weren’t enough, our milk goes through rigorous testing in three different state certified labs. We work together with state agencies to test every batch of milk for bacteria levels and pathogens to minimize any risks from consuming a raw product (view our test results).

We also produce 6 varieties of raw cheese and hand gather eggs from truly free-range chickens. In addition we offer pasture-fed beef and pork products.